In one day you will take home a standing or sitting 41-51cm (16-20 inches) figurine. We will be using your old white cotton t-shirt, tin foil, wire armature, and black colored Paverpol. We will finish with a dry brushing of a color of your choice. Above pictures are a few samples of what you can make in one day.
Date: June 29, 2019 (Sign up today, limited seats)
Time: 0930am to 4:00pm
Where: Pleasant Valley Quilting, 3495-Pleasant Valley Rd. Armstrong/BC
What do I bring: 1 cotton T-shirt, 1 small roll of tinfoil, a pair of scissors, 5 pairs of disposable gloves. A bottle of water and bagged lunch. Wear old clothes paverpol does not come off of your clothes or socks.
Please note: If you want to make a sitting figurine, please bring that item to class. For example a small ceramic planter pot, a piece of drift wood, a rock, candle holder, or a chair.
Price: $175.00
Please call Pleasant Valley Quilting to book your seat. 1 250 546-0003.